Selecting Your Fate

Welcome to Dachau

Dachau is the third stop on your tour of camps.  Ideally, you will spend one week at each camp.  Your exploration will take approximately one month to complete.  Each task (3 total) = one week each and you will be allotted one week for the completion of your team's final artifact (project).

During your stay at Dachau, you should be prepared by having read The Devil's Arithmetic: chapters 15 - end. 

For each task, you will be held accountable for two items:
a.  Task Essentials (items to build background knowledge/ front-load imperative concepts, allow for discussion & clarify meaning, share reflections, and to make connections)
b.  Formative Assessment (assigned task to exhibit your understand of the learned material and to share your perspective on your journey thus far)

Task III:

Task Essentials:

Build your background knowledge:
1.  Visit the Interactive Holocaust Library
      by clicking here to enter.

Connect to history through literacy:
2.   Read The Devil's Arithmetic: chapters 15-end

Prepare for your final artifact:
3.  Explore the following websites -

- Museum of The Holocaust: click here
- Remembering the Survivor's Stories: click here
- The Museum of Tolerance: click here
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum: click here

Formative Assessment:
File Size: 20 kb
File Type: doc
Download File

1.  Open the document above.
2.  Read the directions completely.
3.  Work through the assignment in a quality manner.
4.  Save your work.
5.  Post your completed assignment to your personal Schoology page.

Checklist for leaving Dachau:

  • It's the end of week 3
  • I've completed ALL tasks in the left side of the column on this page
  • Viewed the Interactive Holocaust Library
  • Watched the above clip on Dachau
  • Read chapters 15 - end  in The Devil's Arithmetic
  • Explored the four website links to help prepare for my artifact
  • Completed the Formative Assessment
  • Uploaded the Formative Assessment to my Schoology Wall

Only AFTER completing the above tasks (which you've had 1 week to do)

Click here to begin the final week of your month long study.

Now that you have completed the novel, enjoy the film:
The movie trailer is below for your viewing pleasure...